Houseless Distro

Houseless Distro is the longest-running out of all of SCAO’s projects. It is a long-term commitment to supporting the unhoused population in HTX by making life on the streets of Houston more bearable.

Our Houseless Distro Program provides nearly 100 meals, water, tents, clothing, and occasional assistance in transitioning to housing. Our Houseless Distro program is built around serving our neighbors who have been neglected by the state.


Our idea of Houseless Distro started at the same time SCAO did. Most of the first members were already involved in work assisting the unhoused community from previous organizations but were dissatisfied with their approach.

Utilizing the connections and resources organizers already had, they managed to obtain funding and resources, as well as sourcing manpower to do distro consistently.

SCAO was able to consistently deliver food and supplies, and build connections with the Houseless encampments. Our distro from the start of SCAO has expanded. We’ve done sweep defenses, transitioned to housing, and overall been able to expand our capacity to support our unhoused neighbors!


We love to have community involvement in our Houseless Distro project! Feel free to contact us on our social media to join our Houseless Distro Project. We distribute every Thursday evening, we also mandate a distro orientation for new people to catch them up to speed on best practices and policies utilized for distro.