Space City Anarchist Organization

Founded 2022 in so-called “Houston”
Building a liberatory movement in support of the people

An Informal Anarchist Group
We recognize that anarchism is a fluid ideology who strength lies in its flexibility and respect for a diversity of tactics. Though we were founded in 2022 as an Especifist Anarchist Organization, our organization’s recently amended structure allows for autonomous projects to blossom and evolve organically in accordance with the wishes of the members involved.

Development of Anarchist Spaces
We see the need for anarchist spaces within our communities to not only give members of our movement a place to gather, learn, and organize around anarchist principles, but also create a permanent anarchist presence within our communities.


Direct Action and Propaganda
We believe that direct action must be complemented with propaganda to achieve any sort of material gains. We strive to build up the ability to not only help those in our community but to spread anarchist ideas and politics alongside these projects.

Community Building
We believe that an organization is only as strong as the sense of solidarity and community it builds between its members and allies within their community. In addition to our efforts to inform and empower our members through internal mutual aid, we seek to make connections with organizations and communities that share common goals, and show solidarity and support to likeminded organizers in Houston and beyond.