SCAO Zines

Lets Get Fucking Serious

Fascists protesting and raiding drag shows. New genocidal legislation every week. Prominent conservatives calling for an end to transgenderism. Skyrocketing rates of hate crime. If you’re trans or queer in Texas, it’s pretty clear that shit’s looking pretty fucking bleak, and our enemies keep getting more and more bold in their attempts to eradicate us. In the face of all this, what we need is trans liberation. We need liberation from the people who want to see us dead, liberation to have controls over our own bodies, liberation to live our lives however the fuck we want. We need to take action for trans liberation now, and to be honest, it seems like a lot of our allies aren’t serious about this goal.

Click on the post to find a printable version of this zine!

SCAO Zines

What is SCAO?

What is SCAO?

SCAO, or Space City Anarchist Organization, is an anarchist organization based out of so-called Houston, Texas. Our organization seeks to build community power within Houston and surrounding regions, so our communities can be free from economic exploitation, environmental degradation, and violence. We believe that when given the freedom and power to do so, ordinary people can govern their own lives and communities better than bosses, police or politicians ever could.

Click on the post to find a printable version of this zine!


Report Back: 2023 Houston Anarchist Book Fair

On Saturday, March 25th, Space City Anarchist Organization, with the help of Screwston Antifascist Committee, threw its first ever Anarchist Bookfair, and the first Anarchist Book Fair in Houston since 2017. We’re happy to announce that the book fair was a huge success!!!

General Houseless Distro

Report Back: St. Joseph Pkwy. Sweep Defense, March 9, 2023

    On Thursday, March 9, a coalition of around 20 Houston anarchists and abolitionists mobilized to oppose a sweep by the City of Houston, Houston Police Department, Harris County Sheriff’s Department, TXDOT and Coalition for the Homeless. 


Still under construction

Learning WordPress is hard. If anyone knows any graphic designers, computer wizards, or tech lords, let them know we’d greatly appreciate a helping hand.


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Major changes coming soon!